Oh my girls I have dreamed of you for so long!
It has been a while since I last made some larger dolls. Over the last few months I have been working on a new pattern for baby dolls. I wanted to create something lifelike - resembling a little one who was just reaching that wonderful age of discovery - learning to co-ordinate themselves into a crawling position, able to sit easily and unsupported - with heavy floppy limbs that could be posed just like a real baby. And so Melody, Harmony and Lyric were born.
These babies are 19 inches long, lined with wool felt and gently weighted to give a snuggly baby feel.
Let me introduce you to each of them!
This is Melody - the eldest of the three girls, and by far the most bossy! She is kind hearted and full of fun, but I have to say she has a stubborn streak! She is a girl who know her own mind and is always the first to try something new - needless to say she was the first to start crawling!

Harmony is the middle sister, gentle and quiet, content to watch the hustle and bustle all around her. She is a little shy at first, but is soon won around! She is the cuddliest of the three girls too,
and just loves to snuggle up in her blanket with her dolly.
And last of all there is baby Lyric, the youngest sister. Chatty and cheerful, this little girl always has a smile on her face! Lyric started talking practically as soon as she was born - and honestly hasn't stopped! She babbles and coos in her own special language to her dolly -
who of course understands every word!

My girls are excited to travel to new homes, but to keep them company I have made each a little doll, at just under five inches tall they are just the right size to cuddle up with, though usually they are up to mischief!
I seem to always make dolls in threes, perhaps it's because I am one of three sisters, each doll taking on a little personality of each of us. Doll making is a mysterious thing, ideas drawn from the depth of your soul, from happy memories of summers passed playing, from sisters squabbles, a vision becomes a sketch and sketch to stitches and before long a face somehow familiar is peeking up at you - not quite what you visioned, not quite what you sketched - but exactly as they were meant to be.
I'l never tire of that magic!
Melody, Harmony and Lyric will be available to adopt tomorrow, Saturday 28/06 at 6pm UK time
( 1pm EST ) in my shop (link)