Friday, May 2, 2014

Babes in the woods

 Here in Devon we are very fortunate to have some beautiful woodland. Each season brings a different palette of colours and textures, there are many dear little animals that call these woodland their home - nature truly provides so much inspiration! So imagine my delight when I was asked to create a pair of woodland children! Naturally my imagination ran wild and over the last few months, me and their new mama have become good friends as these sweet siblings have developed, I just know they will be so loved in their new home!

Anyway - without further ado, please meet Aven and Colle

Aven has beautifully soft Tibetan lamb hair in rich mahogany, tipped with russet and gold like sunshine through autumn leaves.

She wears a cotton print dress with woven woolen trousers, knitted boots, 
a pure wool felt fox coat which fastens with a large ceramic leaf button - 
oh and the tiniest terrarium necklace - with needle felt toadstool.
 Aven's mama loves snails so it seemed only right that Aven should have her own pet! 
Made from a real snail shell with a needle felt body 
little snail just loves to cuddle up in a leafy nest when not out adventuring!

Aven is a little shy - just like a real fox,
but once she has gotten to know you her true playful nature is revealed!

Colle is my little wolf pup - adventurous and always looking for trouble!

Colle wears a pair of moss green courdroy trousers, a little grey t shirt, wool knit boots and his wool felt wolf coat - naturally when he heard that his sister had a pet, he looked up at me 
with those deep grey eyes, lip quivering - yes yes yes ok - you can have one too! 
Colle chose a needle felt mouse as his buddy and has named him Squeeker.

I do hope these two will write occasionally - I have grown ever so fond of them! No doubt they will have a great many adventures and be able to tell some good stories!
Farewell my loves, say hello to all your ladybird friends in your new home for me!!

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